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  • RH520B Humidity + Temperature Chart Recorder

RH520B Humidity + Temperature Chart Recorder

Update Terakhir
21 / 11 / 2022
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang mechanical, Electrical dan Instruments

Detail RH520B Humidity + Temperature Chart Recorder

Temperature Measurement
This paperless chart recorder provides simultaneous digital/graphical display of %RH and Temperature or Dew Point and shows date/time and Min/Max values. Use free PC-based software for data transfer to a PC and to graph
%RH, Temperature, Dew Point, Wet Bulb, and GPP or g/kg. Audible and visual high/low alarm limits can be set for Humidity and Temperature.

Places to monitor Humidity/Temperature/Dew Point:
- Buildings and conference rooms
- Laboratory, pharmaceutical, cleanrooms, hospitals
- Food storage facilities, refrigeration
- Hydroponics and green houses
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